Specialization and practical experience in areas we have in-depth knowledge about and that interest us We apply the policy of just the right time: as quickly as possible, but always as best as possible We make an effort to work with the customer: not losing any context and knowing what the aim is Capacity to analyze, remember and process Permanent curiosity (for work, of course, but about everything else too)
- IT: software and hardware, telecommunications, networks, applications, videogames
- Travel guides and websites
- Hotels and Tourism
- Museums, Art and History
- Advertising, Public Relations and Marketing
- E-learning, e-commerce
- Photography, graphical arts and professional design
- Corporate documents
- Sports management
- Professional practical knowledge about our areas of specialisation
- Ability to solve technical problems during the localisation process
- Efficiency through using the right tools for each project
- With agencies: trust, reliability and collaboration
- With direct customers: overall project management, direct communication and cost advantages
- Doing one thing at a time
- Knowing about the problem
- Learning how to listen
- Asking the right questions
- Differentiating what's essential from what isn't
- Accepting that change is inevitable
- Admitting errors
- Saying things simply
- Not losing our nerves
- Smiling